
Lady Gaga with Rolling Stones

「スウィート・サウンズ・オブ・ヘヴン」にヴォーカルで参加したレディー・ガガが録音の経緯やその想いについて自身のInstagramに長文を投稿ました。以下、その全文と日本語訳です。<SOURCES: Universal Front Row >

“I was in the studio at Henson preparing for Joker, leaving to go home for the night and someone said ‘Mick wants to see you.’ I only know one Mick, so I walked down to a studio at the other end of the hall and opened the door. It was a portal to the 70s.

“I saw Mick, Keith, Ronnie. Stevie Wonder was there along with all the musicians they were collaborating with. Steve Jordan on the drums. Family & friends hanging out listening on big speakers while Andrew Watt smiled marveling at their unreleased album. We hung out for a bit listening to music and catching up. Mick then asked if I’d hang in the live room while they cut another record. I sat down on the floor, my back against a Rhodes-someone handed me some headphones and eventually a mic. Mick was towering over me smiling saying ‘go on and do your thing then.’ I listened to the music and scribbled furiously trying to learn the tune and then freestyled and sang along… trying not to step on everyone’s toes cuz Andrew had the whole room mic’d the way they did back in the day, and I didn’t want my vocals to bleed into any of the magic they’d been making. The Rhodes was vibrating furiously through my back-Stevie was playing and my whole body was shaking with every note. We played for a few hours and everyone was so excited having me there (this felt so exciting if not slightly insane). I went home not thinking much of it, I loved the song and all the musicians but I thought we were just hangin. Andrew texted me the next day saying Mick wanted to cut the vocals WITH me that night-the way he’d cut them back in the day. Same room, two mics. Single takes. I thought about Mary Clayton… Gimme Shelter…gospel and soul. I thought about my favorite old Stones tunes and all the great vocalists who had sung with Mick, making what we know now as a ‘sound’ unique to a band that defined a huge piece of rock’n’roll. Then we cut it live. Making the ‘Sweet Sounds of Heaven.’ I sang in a way I never really sang before except for with Mick. And Andrew and I both cried-there’s something about witnessing music history and when you get to be a part of it I think that’s exactly what our heaven feels like. It’s just a sweet sound.”






 同じ部屋にある2本のマイク。シングル・テイク。私はメリー・クレイトンみたいだなって思った。ギミー・シェルター、ゴスペルとソウル。私の好きな古いストーンズの曲や、ミックと一緒に歌い、ロックンロールの巨大な部分を定義したバンド特有の “サウンド “として今私たちが知っているものを作った偉大なボーカリストたちのことを考えた。そうしてそれをライヴ録音でカットした。『スウィート・サウンズ・オブ・ヘヴン』ができたんだ。私はミックと歌ったとき以外には歌ったことのないような歌い方をした。アンドリューも私も、音楽の歴史に立ち会うということ、その一部になれるという何かを感じたのか涙を流していた。私たちの天国はまさにそんな感じなんだと思う。ただただ甘美なサウンドだ」